Driveways & Pathways

Oyster shell for your driveways and pathways–the primer choice


Crushed oyster shells have become a popular and attractive alternative to concrete and asphalt driveways, seeing quite the resurgence in recent years!  All along the East Coast, many are using crushed oyster shells as an ecologically friendly and safe alternative to petroleum-based products (asphalt).  On the West Coast, some developers are using oyster shells in parking lots to catch any drippings that fall from parked vehicles; the calcium absorbs the leakage and greatly prevents the fluid from runoff.

During Colonial America, oyster shells were used widely for ‘driveways’ which carried horse-drawn carriages instead of cars.  Today, this rich, traditional shell is being used in in restoration projects, both public and private, in order to maintain authenticity and to create a historical atmosphere.


bocce court, bocce ball
bocce court, bocce ball

 For driveways, patio areas or walkways. We recommend a Wet/Landscape grade of shell. This is shell that is 3/8″ Minus. In other words, this is shell that is 3/8″ in size and finer. This grade provides a compact, solid surface which is suitable for driving and walking on. The material is wet from us clean the meat and other debris from the shell. Being wet, this also means less dust during installation.

Please contact our distributor Consolidated Shell at 412-764-2565 for more information or to order a sample pack which includes a variety of different grades of crushed oyster shell.

Have more questions?

Please contact our distributor Consolidated Shell at 412-764-2565 for more information or to order a sample pack which includes a variety of different grades of crushed oyster shell.

Consolidated Shell Family Sites:      Consolidated Shells     Bulk Crushed Oyster Shells    Bulk Crushed Clam Shells     Myco Supply     Bocce Shells